Sunday, July 19, 2015

3 Days 2 Nights in Colombo

Our 2nd day in Colombo was just as nice.  A. Charmaine came to the apt early in the morning to drop of some breakfast treats for us!  Then it was off to Sachi's house for more delicious food.  We went in to the city window shopping for Sari's, Ramzi got his measurements taken to have a suit hand made just for him! Went to A. Ashanti and U. Bandu's Palace of a home for drinks and appetizers before they so graciously took us out to a fabulous dinner buffet at the Cinnamon Grand Hotel.  It was a really fun night catching up with long time friends that have become family.

after dinner at the Cinnamon Grand

our apartment

view of the city from our apartment

dining room in our apartment

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