Sunday, July 19, 2015

Welcome to Sri Lanka!

We arrived in Sri Lanka on July 16th (Thurs. 3:40 AM local time)!  It was an emotional touch down for all of us. We had tears of joy in our eyes and were excited to begin our Sri Lankan adventure.  All that excitement would soon drop a bit as we discovered our luggage did not arrive with us!!! We had a total of 11 pieces and not even 1 made it to Colombo.
Oh well, we forgot about that as we saw our friends and family anxiously waiting for us at the airport. It was a long overdue moment meeting Ramzi's family! Such joy!!!  Ramzi's childhood friend and best man was there too!!! 
24 hours later our luggage arrived at our Hotel (Jaic Hilton Residencies).  We were anxious to give out our gifts and make sure everything arrived in tact.  Right Sheha?? :)
From the airport we went straight to Sachi's (Aunts) house and met the rest of the family.  It was an emotional morning for us, esp for Ramzi as he hadnt seen his family in 20 years!  The boys fit right in and explored the surroundings.  They esp liked being able to stand on the rooftop of Sachi's home.
Once we checked in at the apartment, A. Charmaine and A. Ashanti came to visit bearing gifts of good food. It was a magical first day capped off with a midnight coffee at the Taj Hotel with our cousins.
*thank you to our friend Shez for organizing our accomadations in Colombo...we appreciate it.

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